CREATIVE manifestation, CONTEST / BOOK, PARIS 2015!

Welcome to participate in KEEP THE PLANET ALIVE's big manifestation aiming for the climatechange conference in December in Paris. Some points about how and why you should participate:

• You may be able to influence the approximately 200 environment ministers in Paris in December 2015. That is when we will hand over the new children / youth book loaded with new ideas, thoughts, words and reflections.

• Diplomas and prizes to all participants who contribute material. There will also be prizes, both individually and by classes.

• It's fun to be creative and participate! Invitation to Participate goes out to all schools. We encourage work in school, at home, with friends and family, alone or in groups.

• What we need: Portrait format A4, A3 or A2. Optional techniques and full of creativity: for example, paint, charcoal, pencils, recycled materials, photo, photo collage (Photoshop) ... three-dimensional fabric. Anything is possible! Embed text and facts. Titles in English / French / German / Spanish. Choose a suitable font. (Please see examples from the book that was made in 2009. It can be downloaded as a PDF from our website)
E-mail contributions to Before September 30 we need your contribution. You can also send them by post to: Tommy Bengtsson "Keep the Planet Alive" Lerdala 54, 42934 Kullavik, SWEDEN

Similar manifestations were made in 2001 and 2009. The 2009 event was attended by children and young people from 112 municipalities in Sweden. The book made at that time can be downloaded as a PDF. This year we want to be yet more and will also try to reach children and young people outside of Sweden, all to influence the in so many ways crucial climate summit in Paris. Start your participation today so you will not miss the chance to influence the future towards an ecologically sustainable society.

Thanks for your participation! Board / Association Keep The Planet Alive.

PS. Thank you also for spreading awareness of this important Manifestation / Competition. DS


Explanation of Purpose for "Keep the planet alive"

• We want to pursue a perspective of opportunities
• Work to preserve and protect all life on the planet.
• Work to promote biodiversity.
• Work and provide information about the earth's natural laws with a focus on children and youth.
• Work for reflection on consumption.
• Work for clean water, air and soil.
• Work in harmony with nature.
• Work for a sustainable society also from an economic perspective.
• Work for imagination, creativity and innovation.
• Engage in activities in which everyone can participate and become "planetary attendants."
• The association shall have a modest membership.
• The association may conduct activities that generate an economic surplus and then use the funds to encourage innovation in sustainable development.
• The Association may receive sponsorship money and gifts.


Ten thousand years ago we still lived in tune with the earth's ecological systems. Today the picture is different, what was built up over millions of years is being disrupted and disturbed. This affects all of us, but most of all the young generation. Therefore, we think it is time to let these, today's school children, make their voices heard. Both in words and pictures, we wish to spread what they feel and think.

2001, we therefore, in collaboration with Kullaviksskolan and Kungsbacka Municipality, invited into an image and idea contest. We gave it the name "Keep the Planet Alive" In 2009 it was time again and the result this time included a book made by Swedish school children's thoughts and ideas on how we should shape our future in order to achieve a sustainable society. With us we also got a long list of Sweden's most skilled environmental campaigners, who each took the opportunity to be heard. The book was handed over to the approximately two hundred Environment Ministers attending the climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009.

Now, when the climate conference in Paris in December 2015 is approaching its time to revive the project. Now we already know what an amazing resource of creativity, competence and youthful imagination there is out there, and also that it must be seized. Our quest this time is to expand the project with high school students and to invite other countries to participate. The goal is to make a new book where we will gather today's ideas and thoughts from the young people and mix them with the latest research of Europe the future generations of decision makers. In Paris, at the climate summit in December 2015, a further inspiring book will be handed over to all the world's environment ministers.

Tommy Bengtsson - Kullavik December 6, 2014.


          "[...] from far beyond something fills me with its origins opportunities”


Dag Hammarskjold